Day 42

The final leg and last half mile to the finish line started at the Berea Municipal Utilities parking lot on Harrison Rd. We were thrilled to have at least 77 alumni, faculty, staff, students, and trustees walk the triumphant procession into campus via Short Street where we were greeted by our Berea family.
Once on Short Street we enjoyed delicious kabobs,

Thanks to everyone (dozens of folks) who helped make these past 42 days such a success! Particularly, a special thanks to Mae Suramek, Will Jones, Bill Laramee, Nancy Shinn, Crystal Baldwin, Eric Waller, Sonja Williams, Chris Schill, Tim Jordan, Bridget Carroll, Julie Sowell, Jay Buckner, and Rosemary Dreager. This relay wouldn’t have happened without them!
Signing off for the Berea College Sesquicentennial Great Commitments Relay and Goodwill Tour in Berea, Kentucky on Friday, May 12th, 2006 (okay, I'm really going to stop now...),
Amy Harmon, ‘99