Day 39

This Tuesday morning we were joined by Roberta Allison, ’42, Alvin Allison, and their son Clark Allison, ’79. We were also joined by Rev Canon Johnnie Ross, ’80 who assisted in the planning of the day’s events.
We had a meaningful visit to the City of Prestonsburg where we received the key to the City from Mayor Jerry Fannin along with some delicious (I should know!) local fudge. The Mayor, along with economic developer Brent Gr

We were treated to a delicious lunch at El Azul Grande (thanks you know who!) and then traveled on to Alice Lloyd College. On our way to Alice Lloyd we ran into Berea alum Tom Rose, ’64 who followed our van into a parking lot to say hello. Our decorated van really caught his attention!

Once on Alice Lloyd’s campus we crossed the “Bridge to the Future” where we were greeted by Berea grad and Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Bill Melton, ’69. Thank you to Public Relations Director Stephanie Damron who graciously brought us bottled water to cool us off after our tour around their beautiful campus.

Later, we headed back over to Prestonsburg where we enjoyed a relay stop and chapter meeting with about 35 other Berea alums and friends at the Mountain Arts Center. Our entertainment included a viewing of Berea’s latest history

Tonight as I write this I feel truly blessed to have spent the day with so many folks who truly love and support the Berea mission.
Feeling the “Berea love” in Prestonsburg,
Amy Harmon, ‘99
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