Day 31
Happy May Day everyone! Today marks the one month completion of the Great Commitments Relay! Our team, volunteers, and participants have all done well to ensure that the relay process runs well and smoothly! Thus far we haven’t had any serious problems and I am thankful for that. It's hard to believe that we have only two more weeks until the Grand Finale on May 12th.

Today Chris and I thanked the people of Knoxville and Knox County for their friendship and support through a proclamation to the area. Mayor Ragsdale was kind to meet with us despite the busy time of year given that election day is tomorrow. On behalf of the city mayor, Rus Jensen in 311 met with us. Prior to our meetings, we faced a small parking dilemma, though city officials directed us to park in the garages, upon arrival, we learned that our vans wouldn’t fit. Don’t worry! We didn’t discover this the ‘hard way,’ we simply read the clearance sign and realized that if we fit at all, it would be a very tight squeeze! Amazingly, it wasn’t too difficult to find a free meter and lot for the vans. One reason that parking may have been available is

Before I sign off for tonight, I’d like to take you back to yesterday. I know, I already wrote a fairly long entry, but I feel that it is necessary. I want to thank everyone who has participated in Alumni Events thus far. Essentially, they would not be a success without your participation. Both the Knoxville Chapter at the Historic Laurel Theater and the Young Alumni Event at Calhoun’s can be considered successful, because so many of you were present! I could probably guess over 100 reasons each of you chose to attend the events without ever really knowing why. Maybe it was the anticipated spectacular performances by the Berea College Bluegrass band and the Country Dancers.

Signing off from Knoxville, TN.

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