Day 23

Quite different from yesterday's periodic rain showers, today's trek northeast of Atlanta through Gainesville and Baldwin was accompanied with sunshine and warmth. One stop took us to a morning service at First Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia.
Sonja and I attended the late service and presented Reverend Dr. Bill Coates with a Proclamation of Thanks and Friendship. Towards the end of the service, the congregation all joined in a song "We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord..." which, of course, fit right in with our Christian motto at Berea:
"God has made of One blood, all peoples of the earth," Acts 17:26.
After the service, it was interesting to find that several people we talked to knew of Berea College and alumni in the area and all gave us a nice welcome to Gainesville and safe travels on the rest of our trip.
People of different states, backgrounds, different denominations and knowing very little of each other...all coming together, becoming One in the Spirit.

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