Day 16

Berea College’s founder would say that Christianity exemplifies impartial love among all. Berea has never been associated with any denomination or sectarian Christian church. Today is Resurrection Sunday some refer to it as Easter, but it is the cornerstone to Christianity, the basis of one’s belief. What better way for me to celebrate other than attending a non-denomination, faith based worship service? I attended Faith Chapel Christian Center. Pastor Michael D. Moore and his wife Kennetha Moore are both Berea College graduates. In 1981 he with a congregation of four began holding church service in his home. In 1999, ground was broke for a debt free $15 million, 3,000 seat dome sanctuary.
After church, the Great Commitments Relay van attracted on comers to ask questions and inspired other Berea connected persons to stop and sign the Great Commitments. Yvonne Washington and her son Brian gladly stopped to tell of her daughter that graduated from BC. I was joined by Furman Gatewood who attended in the 90’s and local high school teacher Kenneth Jones who has help students achieve academic excellence to become BC students.
Overall, the day was wonderful and I’m looking forward to Prattville tomorrow.
Signing off from Brook Mountain, AL
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