Day 24

Our Relay path was diverted today as we visited Amicalola State Park, where lies the beginning (or the end depending on your perspective) of the Appalachian Trail. It seemed very fitting, since we are making this Goodwill Tour through the Appalachian region, that we would also visit this famous trail that runs through the Appalachians from Maine to Georgia. There are some pictures included in this blog that will remind some readers of rolling Kentucky hills and foliage. We noticed various country scenes here in Georgia's "foothills of the Appalachians," that reminded us of our very own foothills back home in Berea. It was of great comfort during this 1,855 mile tour through Appalachia and the South, that there would be people, events, alumni, friends, historical landmarks and now nature, that would remind us of home- of Berea.
That would remind us, as was said in yesterday's blog, that the Spirit leading John G. Fee 150 years ago into the wilderness to begin his journey, is the same Spirit leading us through this Georgia wilderness, today. And reminding us of our commitment to all peoples of the earth, to Appalachia and beyond.

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